Monday, November 18, 2013

A Small Victory

Dear Readers,

This past Saturday, I hosted the first meeting a new club that is affiliated with the Kelley School of Business at IUPUI.  This club is the Global Leadership Academy (GLA) the purpose of this club is to develop global leaders within the greater Kelley network.   As a co-chair of this event I played a significant role in the planning and execution of this event.   With significant help from my co-chair and the faculty sponsor we created something from nothing.  We had three fantastic speakers who shared their wisdom with us.  A summary of the three talks is a likely the topic for a subsequent blog post.  Like anything there was room for improvement, more event promotion, providing more lead-time for the invitees, a little more coordination about the logistics (things like parking), but overall the event was a success.  To be candid I am quite pleased with myself I am not sure this is because we created something from nothing, or if this because I haven’t volunteered for much of anything since 2004, or if it is because the event was successful.

In any event this small victory makes me want to pick the metaphorical sword and go slay the next dragon. 

I hope that you savor the taste of victory soon, please feel free to recount a success here.

All the best,  


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